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Comparability of MMPI-3 scores from remote and in-person administrations and the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on MMPI-3 scores.

"Thus, goals of the present study include evaluating the psychometric comparability of MMPI-3 scores derived from in-person and remote administration modalities and examining substantive scale scores changes associated with the COVID-19 pandemic. Using a large sample of college students (n = 2,503), rates of protocol invalidity, mean scale scores, reliability, and criterion validity were compared across participants completing the MMPI-3 in-person (both prior to and after the onset of COVID-19) and via remote administration. Results demonstrate comparably low rates of protocol invalidity, negligible differences in reliability, and similar patterns of criterion validity for MMPI-3 scale scores across administration modalities. Results also indicate that mean MMPI-3 scale scores pre- and post-COVID-19 onset substantially differ on select scales, but that scores on remote and in-person protocols administered post-COVID-19 have negligible differences. Remote MMPI-3 scale scores also demonstrated expected patterns of correlations with external criteria, supporting the validity of remote scores. Overall, the present study demonstrates that MMPI-3 protocols administered remotely and in-person are extremely psychometrically similar..."

Kremyar, A. J., Whitman, M. R., Hall, J. T., Maccarone, K. J., Cimino, M. C., Menton, W. H., & Ben-Porath, Y. S. (2023). Comparability of MMPI-3 scores from remote and in-person administrations and the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on MMPI-3 scores. Psychological Assessment, 35(11), 911–924.


The Institute for Advanced

Psychological Training

1983-2011 Robert M. Gordon, Ph.D. ABPP.
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